
Should We Be Worried About Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence has quickly taken over the internet as one of the most popular topics. Many people are welcoming the advanced technology that was created to make our lives easier. However, the other side believes it is a grave mistake to let this type of intelligence take over.

How to Keep Your Mental Health During the Holidays

The holidays are upon us. Whether it be embracing the colder weather, planning family get-togethers, office parties, and gift buying, this can become chaotic—and quickly.

How to Stay Safe This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is nearly here! Whether you celebrate the traditional American Thanksgiving or simply enjoy the company of others, this is notoriously a wonderful time of year. Autumn is in full swing, the weather has shifted, and the leaves are changing colors. Thanksgiving marks the main part of the harvest season—but also comes with its dangers.Continue reading “How to Stay Safe This Thanksgiving”

Employers Forcing Workers Back to the Office is Backfiring

As employers continue to push for their employees to return to the office or risk termination, the results are mixed and many companies report their efforts have backfired. As more employees realize the joys of work/life balance, they are not as eager to return to an office environment. As the corporate pressure mounts, and theContinue reading “Employers Forcing Workers Back to the Office is Backfiring”

Social Accountability and Responsibility—What it all means

Accountability and responsibility are two of the most important practices between people and businesses. Without them, chaos can ensue, and nothing gets accomplished. We all have a civic duty to protect the environment in which we live in the best interests of society. It is imperative to practice accountability and responsibility for a variety ofContinue reading “Social Accountability and Responsibility—What it all means”

The Power of Women Consumers

Women are amazingly powerful. They bring life into the world, can balance home and business, and traditionally keep the household running—all while maintaining the day-to-day operations required in today’s 21st Century life. Did you know that women are the most powerful consumers on the planet? Not only is Women Consumerism gaining strength, but their incomesContinue reading “The Power of Women Consumers”

Forcing Employees Back In-office May Backfire

After the novel coronavirus took the world by storm, many people had the opportunity to work from home. This event even led to the Great Resignation, where people left their jobs in search of work-from-home options.

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